Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A different view;

I've recently just finished reading the book 'Theories of Relativity." and just let me say, I've almost never been so absolutely engaged in a book for so long.
While reading this book on the bus, and at home. I started to see things quite a bit differently, maybe it was the fact that I'd just had a glimpse of another world, or maybe the other world hitched a ride back on me. Either way, I don't think I could look at the underside of a bridge, an alleyway, or a church the same again, just the thought of those kids makes me quite sad, but also quite proud to think that some of the people in their teen aged years can make it like Dylan could.
The book gives you knowledge of his story, and a bit of a background to build his character on. Yet, it doesn't bore you by telling you his whole life store within a few pages. It's a beautifully written book on the more tragic side of city's and life that no one really sees.
 There's so many children and teenagers on the street now a days. They're so scared and confused, yet so determined to not need anyone and make it on their own.  Personally, I've met, and seen teenagers like this, and I've always offered my help if needed, but even reaching out to each other is something that is extremely hard to do for them and us, and taking it from someone you barely know is something frightening. Doubt is always a first thing on their mind, as explained in the book. After being deceived for so long, it becomes your second nature, then slowly replaces it as your first.
You learn to adjust your view on people, and what goes on around them. Most are able to spot a dangerous situation from a mile away, and it's their choice if they want to run, or to keep going.

I've also read another few books in the same sort of genre, and these always seem to captivate me more then the books without problems and less real situations.
Theses are the most emotional, heart breaking and relate able stories/books out there. There's always been a time in our lives that we've just wanted to run away, and never come back. These are the stories of the ones who did it, and who knows, maybe it isn't all bad out there on your own. Difficult, but not all bad...


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. Watching people living on the streets sadens me. Especially after starting to read this book. It shows you what situation they may be in. It is terrible to think somepeople live their life like that.
