Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Don't Have To Be Like The Rest

I think we had a pretty good converstaion today! We really got talking about Dylan character. How he is more of a leader then a follower. He doesn`t have to do stuff just because all the other kids who are living on the streets are.  Also how other people living on the streets like Vulture, will use you and not care whats so ever about what he does to you. Where as Dylan is kind hearted and would feel bad if he ever did something wrong to you. He wouldn't want to ever hurt you or use you. He is a genuine person as our group said! I hope Dylan will stay this way throughout the entire book and not stoop down to Vulture's level. Vulture keeps asking Dylan to work for him like Jenna and others. But Dylan keeps turing him down. Knowing that Vulture is using him and will stab him in the back. Do you think Dylan may give into Vulture and join him to make money once it starts getting very cold? He is a smart kid and I really hope he will make it off the streets!        --Chelsea

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